Michaela Reilly

BA Graphic Design with a minor in Spanish Language

Website: michaelaereilly.wixsite.com/toothandnaildesign

Instagram: @michaelaereilly

DESIGNER STATEMENT: Let’s get this straight: Morocco is not just some country across the pond that I visited and took pretty photos of; it is a vast and endless source of wonder and inspiration to me. It has influenced me as an artist, as a linguist, as a friend, and most importantly as a human. The country, the culture, the language, the people, all have opened my mind and heart by giving things new meaning and greater understanding. This project is a way for me to properly digest and document my experiences while in Morocco, as well as to inspire others to open their minds and hearts to new things. My desire is that this work will not be perceived as a cliche love letter to a foreign country written by a middle class white woman who craves to be seen as “culturally informed” and “enlightened”, but as a heartfelt testimonial of my journey becoming a more open minded and genuine person, and growing as a human being.